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Jun 5, 20244 min read
The Real of the Body
In CX ponders some things, none of which related to why our author is stuck on our author's ass right now, no.

A. L. Sarino
Jun 1, 20246 min read
'Fan Girl' and the Dangers of Parasocial Relationship Dreams Coming True
'Fan Girl' seeks to answer the hypothetical of meeting one's celebrity crush through stalking and paints a grim picture for aspiring fans.

Apr 25, 20244 min read
Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica: Eat Your Words!
In which our author shares another letter written to a friend after finishing another book borrowed from that same friend; very neat!
John RC Potter
Jan 22, 202410 min read
A Day in May, 1965
Discover a heart-wrenching tale of loss and memory, as John RC Potter pays homage to his beloved cousin.
Jan 18, 20249 min read
Kafka’s The Trial As An Emblem of the Present Day Modern Man
Explore Kafka's The Trial as a reflection of modern man's anxieties and entrapment in a surreal, absurd world.
Jan 16, 20243 min read
The Rise of Ethnonationalism: An Alienated State of Being
Nabgha Shahid explores the complexities of ethnonationalism in contemporary sociopolitical settings.
Euzette Fermilan
Dec 21, 20236 min read
Depths of Winter
"It is that time of year when the white silence allows me to look inward and outward. And to me, wintering is a knife disguised in icicles."
Dec 12, 20234 min read
The Complicity of Silence and Indifference: Is the Age of Idols over?
Art is about reality but our idols' silence on the Israel-Palestine conflict does not reflect that reality.

Dec 2, 20238 min read
Canadian Coffee
In which CX writes/daydreams about a coffeeshop they want to go back to, again and again.
Euzette Fermilan
Nov 16, 20233 min read
Essay: Lilias Adie, The Torryburn Witch
Once upon a time, she was a witch; centuries later, her memorial plaque reads, "An innocent victim of unenlightened times.”
Amanda O'Dell
Oct 27, 20232 min read
Essay: Chronically Tired and Thankful
"Grieving who you were before and where you imagined you would be can be draining."

Terry Trowbridge
Oct 24, 20236 min read
Essay: Canadian abuse of Jamaican migrant farm workers is an international issue, what can be done?
An essay breaking down and criticising Canada's abuse and "systemic slavery" of Jamaican migrant farm workers
Oct 6, 20235 min read
Essay: Somewhere in the Middle
"I can’t even read the letters my father sent his mother during the war. There is a void there, a blank space..."
Devanshi Panda
Oct 4, 20234 min read
Essay: Ma's Hair
Ma has always hated her hair.I think Ma often feels like she is her hair. Untameable, prone to flare-ups, old, decisively indecisive.

Sep 26, 20233 min read
Iced Coffee
The potential metaphysical and existential dread of drinking (and thinking through) an iced coffee, maybe (as in, if there's any potential).

Connor York
Aug 29, 202211 min read
Post-Ironic Purgatory
An essay on irony and the importance of sincerity in identity formation.

Willow Kang Liew Bei
Jul 10, 20228 min read
Jean-Paul Marat And The Beginnings Of Propaganda
A piece about the role of propaganda and publication in the french revolution.
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