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Jun 194 min read
Wars and Words: The Power of the Pen and Freedom of the Press
The power of the pen is the ability to quake the hallways of injustice and greed.
Eduek Moses
May 16 min read
The Convolution of a Nigerian Burial
“I pray it doesn't rain. In fact, it won't rain." This was my aunt on the eve of my father's funeral. She spoke like raindrops were a curse.
Apr 173 min read
I Am Your Daughter
I was afraid that all I would remember were snippets of me asking her, “Do you remember me still?"
John RC Potter
Jan 2210 min read
A Day in May, 1965
Discover a heart-wrenching tale of loss and memory, as John RC Potter pays homage to his beloved cousin.
Tomas Maldonado
Jan 17 min read
When in Times of Writer’s Block, Harness Your Inner Negative Capability
By Tomas Maldonado “We’re instructed to do the negative; the positive is already within us.” Franz Kafka As we enter 2024, I can’t help...
Terry Trowbridge
Nov 30, 20232 min read
I Am So Worried About How Coders Describe Us to the ChatGPTs
"I Am So Worried About How Coders Describe Us to the ChatGPTs," writes sociolegal researcher, writer, and plum farmer, Terry Trowbridge.
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