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Jun 19, 20244 min read
Wars and Words: The Power of the Pen and Freedom of the Press
The power of the pen is the ability to quake the hallways of injustice and greed.

Jan 4, 20245 min read
Art and our salvation from the ravages of conflict
While news media generates ideology-informed stories during conflict, literature tells stories of beauty and paradise in the absence of war.
Nov 23, 20235 min read
Essay: The Archives
The Israel-Palestine conflict should lead us to reflect on pacifism and its ally, storytelling, for justice.

Nov 4, 202319 min read
Why Do Asian Mothers Hate Their Daughters?
In which CX analyses familial relations and their breaking down by way of a good (and totally aware that this is happening) friend.
Chao Shete
Oct 31, 20234 min read
Essay: Procrastination - A Journey of Self-sabotage, Doubt and Attaining Perfection
I believe procrastination must torture. It must lead to feelings of doubt and failure, ultimately it doesn't count unless it's self sabotage
Devanshi Panda
Oct 4, 20234 min read
Essay: Ma's Hair
Ma has always hated her hair.I think Ma often feels like she is her hair. Untameable, prone to flare-ups, old, decisively indecisive.
Tomas Maldonado
Sep 18, 20239 min read
Essay: El Paso, That Place with All the ‘Greasy Mexicans’
A cultural essay exploring the dysphemism and a controversy that occurred in the 80s in El Paso, Texas.

Elizabeth Anne Schwartz
Jun 23, 20234 min read
Human Women
"Still, something in me whispered, swim closer, and I conceded."
A sapphic folklore-inspired horror story by Elizabeth Anne Schwartz.

Jordan Nishkian
Apr 18, 20234 min read
Four Roses
A short story about a protagonist getting chatted up by a barfly - a look at how different vices can affect hunger or thirst.
Davin Makokha
Apr 15, 20232 min read
This piece is about the discomfort of being an object of desire. 'CRUSH' is a part of the pieces with the theme 'hunger.'
Sarah Royston
Aug 18, 20222 min read
Lullaby Lane
There’s a wood in Hertfordshire that’s not on any map. I went there once when I was lost, looking for Lullaby Lane.

Michael Thériault
Aug 18, 20228 min read
Like Him
How should one grieve? This question, home, the stranger, and the interactions between human and natural worlds are all at play here.
Sanjana Shankar
Jul 15, 20222 min read
Why I Hated Springtime
You said you think of me in the spring. Daisy chains, hands interlinking, the remnants of winter still chafing at your cheeks: spring.
Eric Clayton
Jul 15, 20222 min read
Tired Swing
Once upon a time there was an enormous oak tree, home to a family of squirrels and its acorns. Now, there are no more acorns.
Leonard Kress
Jul 15, 202211 min read
Wherever there are ghosts, there are sure to be their aethereal offspring eager to find their way to birth.
Erik Olaf Dargitz
Jul 15, 202214 min read
Haunting Lara
The good news: Meghan finally gets to see what life is like in her intriguing neighbor's home. The bad news: Meghan is, well, dead.

Aneeta Sundararaj
Jul 11, 202213 min read
Visitation Rights
A woman is forced to confront her relationship with her dying father before and after his death.
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