by Jerome William Berglund
Security feature
prevents looking while warms up

About the piece:
"This poem was inspired by an issue observed with the modern remote start vehicles, where if a passenger is not registered on one of the seats, perhaps to prevent inadvertent locking out, it becomes impossible to secure the doors. This presents and obvious perceptible security flaw presumably, and in the winter where advance heating is necessary and commonplace generates some little anxiety. Not entirely without reason either, as said automobile (unrelating to this issue, but pursuant to what I understand is a widespread general manufacturing vulnerability in Kia models making them popular targets) was later purloined and totaled by car thieves in the dead of one unlucky night. The photograph was taken on a rustic cul-de-sac in Richfield, Minnesota."
by Jerome William Berglund
untroubled by wax,
focus cultivating those
raw combs; muqarnas

About the piece:
"Nonrepresentational art in religious contexts is a familiar trope of the Islamic faith, and has precipitated some wondrous innovations in the realms of their architecture and design. According to Wikipedia: "Aniconism is the avoidance of images of sentient beings in some forms of Islamic art. Islamic aniconism stems in part from the prohibition of idolatry and in part from the belief that the creation of living forms is God's prerogative." Also known in Iranian architecture as Ahoopāy and in Iberian architecture as Mocárabe, the "honeycomb/stalactite" decorative patterns this poems celebrates are a form of ornamented vaulting in Islamic architecture originating during the Abbasid Empire. Do a Google image search for them or review their wikipedia entry, positively stunning each manifestation, reflecting the must fascinating and thought provoking considerations and philosophy theologically as well. The image was also snapped around Richfield, which can be at its most photogenic in the Fall."
by Jerome William Berglund
tombstones in the snow
emerge like porposes from
endless surfacing

About the piece:
"St. Mary's Cemetery on Chicago Avennue near the Midtown Global Market can be quite striking and picturesque in the Winter, indeed any graveyard partially buried under powder makes for highly unusual and intriguing imagery to consider in the existential scheme of things. This photograph was taken during Autumn, in a park about Bloomington, Minnesota."
About the author/photographer:
Jerome Berglund graduated from the University of Southern California’s Cinema-Television Production program and spent a picaresque decade in the entertainment industry before returning to the midwest where he was born and raised. He has exhibited many haiku, senryu and haiga online and in print, most recently in the Asahi Shimbun, Failed Haiku, Scarlet Dragonfly, Cold Moon Journal, Bear Creek Haiku, the Zen Space and Daily Haiga. Jerome is furthermore an established, award-winning fine art photographer, whose black and white pictures have been shown in New York, Minneapolis, and Santa Monica galleries.