By Owolusi Lucky
Wake me, when rain splatters across the
Yard to plant seeds of hope.
Wake me when spring is smiling upon
The bough.
Long I await rebirth of hyacinth when
Harmattan makes a desert of my field,
And snow, its white bed laid on your field.
Wake me when caterpillars of snow
Flowers colorful wings upon bough of
May, and trees are not afraid to lift
Shoots to the sun.
As brown coffin of harmattan, waits
Crispy leaves of the weald, so awaits
Time wing of youth.
So wake me early, when fields are green
To taste nectars in beauty of yonder vales.
Across rivers, and mountains should seeds
Of laughter from youthful heart be planted.
Wake me early, for this season shall be
Counted for my loss in times of short account.
About the author:
Owolusi Lucky is a Nigerian writer who writes poetry, fiction, and non fiction. He has published and forthcoming work in Noctivagant Press, Crosscurrent, America Diversity Report, Afrorep, Decolonial Passage, Arkorewrites, Hallowzine, Scars publication, Sweety Cat Press (Poetry Anthology), Macromicrocosm, Dietmilkmag, Collegevilleinstitute, Overtly Lit, A Solarpunk anthology and others.
Twitter: @mighty_scribe